Where can I find a copy of the Employee Laptop Agreement?

Creation date: 3/30/2017 10:02 AM    Updated: 5/15/2019 5:13 PM   agreement laptop

Employee Copy - Keep for your records

You have received the following Laptop Computer:

Laptop Mfg:  Lenovo                Model:  T480s              

I understand that I am being issued a laptop computer to facilitate student instruction and enhance student achievement. The laptop will be in my possession for use at and away from school.

I understand that I am responsible for the laptop computer issued to me and that I will care for the equipment in such a manner as to prevent loss or damage. I further understand that:

  • The laptop is an instructional tool and must be brought to school each day.

  • The laptop should be transported in its case and stored carefully so it is not susceptible to damage. I will not make any permanent personally identifying marks on the laptop computer including adhesive labels/stickers.

  • I am responsible for the general care of my laptop.

  • Care should be taken so that cords are not damaged.  This includes not rolling over cords with chairs, shutting drawers on cords, stretching cords across open walkways or bending cords at sharp angles.  If it is determined that cords are damaged from any of these activities or any other improper usage, I will be responsible for replacement costs.

  • The laptop should not be left inside a vehicle or at any other location where temperature extremes can permanently damage the unit and/or its components or would be visible which could result in theft.

  • It is my responsibility for the security and care of my laptop.  If the laptop is lost, stolen or damaged while on or off school property, the incident MUST be reported within 24 hours to the Technology Department and to the local police if applicable.  If the lost, stolen or damaged laptop and/or accessories are determined to be caused by negligence or intentional misuse, I will assume the full financial responsibility for repair or replacement costs.  The estimated replacement costs are:

Laptop $1750.00         Carrying Case  $28.57        Power Supply  $50.00

  • In the event of damage, if I delay in notifying the Technology Department, resulting in exclusion from warranty services, I will be responsible for payment of repair or replacement costs.

  • The laptop computer and any other accessories/components will be returned in the same condition as they were received to the proper district personnel immediately upon termination of my employment, at the end of the school year or at any other time as specifically directed by district personnel.  Any laptops not returned within 24 hours of termination will be reported as stolen. I realize this may result in my being subject to criminal prosecution and/or civil liability.

  • Personal software and/or hardware will not be installed on the district laptop without Technology Department approval.  If I obtain permission to install personal software and/or hardware I understand it will not be supported by the district.  If any problems arise with my laptop, it will be re-imaged and only the original software will be re-installed.

  • I am responsible for backing-up all data on the laptop. The district is not liable for lost data.

  • I am responsible for the confidentiality of identifiable student/staff information or other sensitive data on the laptop.

  • The laptop will only be used while under my supervision.  I will not allow my laptop to be used by anyone other than Wright City R-II School District employees or students.  I assume the responsibility for the actions of others while using my laptop. I will not allow another person to use my laptop while I am logged in, or to log in using my password.

  • Incidental personal use is allowed as long as it does not violate the Acceptable Use Policy, the performance of employee’s official duties and is not disruptive to co-workers or students.  Incidental use may not jeopardize the safety, security, effectiveness or usefulness of the District’s technology resources.

  • I acknowledge that since my laptop is District property, I have no expectation of privacy.  The District reserves the right to, without notice or consent, access, monitor and review employees’ use of District Technology.

  • Use of this laptop is governed by and subject to the rules and conditions contained in the Wright City R-II School District’s Technology Acceptable Use Policy, and other applicable district policies, rules and guidelines.